The Couples Healing podcast is a resource to help husbands in their porn addiction recovery and to help couples restore the trust and connection again in their marriage. The effects of pornography addiction or sex addiction can be devastating individually and in the relationship, but with the right approach, men can learn how to stop watching porn, heal the pain it causes his wife, and rebuild trust again in the marriage. Each episode is designed to give you new insights, tools, and strategies to help you at each stage of your journey, whether you‘re just now beginning to address the pornography use, or if you‘ve been struggling for many years and still feel stuck. In the podcast, I also share ways for women to feel empowered, safe, and worthy. I also share how the couple can navigate their relationship together after it’s been impacted by pornography and the trust has been broken. Join me, Sam Tielemans, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, as I share my expertise and knowledge to help you find freedom, peace, confidence, connection, and hope.
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
The Key Components to Her Healing From Betrayal Trauma and Beginning to Trust Again
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
The road to overcome porn addiction and rebuilding your marriage can feel long and painful. The sting of betrayal and the web of the addiction can cause people to lose hope and sight of a better future.
I’m joined in this episode by TC Jolley, who is a strong woman who healed from betrayal trauma as a result of her husband’s addiction.
Their marriage is strong and connected, and they are individually in a solid place, and she shares some of the key factors that allowed her to thrive and heal individually and in the marriage
For therapy with Sam:
Send an email here to get more information – sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
My Intentions Are Good But My Follow Through Sucks
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
When people want to make changes in their lives, create new habits, routines or put systems in place, but it can be hard to be consistent!
In this episode I share some strategies that can help you to be successful as you create habits and get them to stick, without needing willpower or superhuman discipline.
For therapy with Sam:
Send an email here to get more information – sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
If Her Wall Stays Up Despite His Best Efforts
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
When a woman experiences betrayal in a relationship due to porn addiction, it’s normal for her wall to go up to protect herself.
Without there being safety or security in the relationship, she protects herself from continued hurt and being impacted by the addiction and dishonesty.
Sometimes women aren’t quite sure how to let the wall down and what indicators she should look for, and despite his best efforts, it feels like the relationship hits a plateau and doesn’t know what to do.
In this episode, I share one of the most brilliant insights from a client about how to open the door to healing and growth.
For therapy with Sam:
Send an email here to get more information – sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
How to Resolve Her Fears That Prevent Affection and Sex
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
So often a woman feels reluctance to be affectionate or have sex after there’s been betrayal due to pornography addiction or infidelity. She protects herself from getting hurt even more, so her guard is up.
In order to help her work through her fears, men first need to understand what they are and then know how to help support her so she can start to feel safe enough to open back up.
Discover the conversations you can have together that will help you come together and know how to reintegrate affection and sex when the time is right.
For therapy with Sam:
Send an email here to get more information – sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
A Powerful Tool to Process Through Addiction or Trauma Triggers Successfully
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Triggers can hit us seemingly from out of nowhere, but using this tool can help you to identify and process through them successfully.
Whether it has to do with a pornography addiction trigger, trauma trigger, or anything else that creates stress, overwhelm or anger.
For therapy with Sam:
Send an email here to get more information – sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
How to Talk About Sexual or Addiction Triggers Without Fighting
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Oftentimes, a big part of the check-in conversation revolves around whether he was triggered to watch porn or not..
The problem is that if he was triggered that day, her hearing about it can cause a negative reaction and feel like it undermines the progress that he/they are making.
But transparency is important and opening up when he is struggling is necessary, so in this episode I share with you exactly how to talk about triggers in a way that helps her to feel safe and build trust, instead of these discussions spiraling into a fight.
For therapy with Sam:
Send an email here to get more information – sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
A Highly-Effective Way to Get Through Overwhelming Moments
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Healing from porn addiction and betrayal trauma can have overwhelming moments that can feel dark and lonely. But there is hope if you have one particular resource or tool to help you through those moments.
In this episode I share with you the #1 tool to navigate moments that knock you down, so you can find the strength and hope to collect yourself and keep moving forward.
For therapy with Sam:
Send an email here to get more information – sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.
Thursday May 27, 2021
His Sex Drive: When It‘s Healthy vs Addiction Driven
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
How do you know if his desire for sex is rooted in pornography addiction or if it’s coming from a healthy place?
Knowing this makes all the difference when it comes to reintegrating sex back into the relationship when the time is right.
In this episode I share with you the #1 distinguishing factor and how you can use this tool to continue to make progress in overcoming the addiction or building the relationship.
For therapy with Sam:
Send an email here to get more information – sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.
Thursday May 20, 2021
Is Minimal Effort Being Put In or Are Expectations Too High?
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
Sometimes couples reach a stalemate when she thinks he's not doing enough to work on his pornography addiction and if he feels like no matter what he does it'll never be enough.
There are a few different reasons why we see things like this, and in this episode I'll share with you what each person can do about it to keep making progress without these discussions resulting in a fight.
For therapy with Sam:
Send an email here to get more information – sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.
Thursday May 13, 2021
What to Do When Lying Erodes A Relationship: Tools For Both Him and Her)
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Whenever there is a struggle with porn addiction, there's often dishonesty. And that is one of the most damaging elements to a marriage, but if you are going to eliminate it completely, you must understand the reason why it's continuing to happen.
Lying is a symptom of something deeper, and once you discover it and get the tools to resolve it, the dishonesty goes away.
In this episode I share with you some tools for both him and her in order to remove any blocks that make being honest difficult.
For therapy from Sam, send an email here to get information: sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.