The Couples Healing podcast is a resource to help husbands in their porn addiction recovery and to help couples restore the trust and connection again in their marriage. The effects of pornography addiction or sex addiction can be devastating individually and in the relationship, but with the right approach, men can learn how to stop watching porn, heal the pain it causes his wife, and rebuild trust again in the marriage. Each episode is designed to give you new insights, tools, and strategies to help you at each stage of your journey, whether you‘re just now beginning to address the pornography use, or if you‘ve been struggling for many years and still feel stuck. In the podcast, I also share ways for women to feel empowered, safe, and worthy. I also share how the couple can navigate their relationship together after it’s been impacted by pornography and the trust has been broken. Join me, Sam Tielemans, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, as I share my expertise and knowledge to help you find freedom, peace, confidence, connection, and hope.
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
She Said He Knew Pornography Hurts Her But Did It Anyways
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
So often a wife will have a conversation with her husband about how much pain his watching pornography causes her. he said is that he will stop the behavior, but then months or years later it’s discovered that he never stopped after all.
She feels hurt and betrayed because she explained how much she is affected by it, yet he continued to watch it despite the conversation.
In this episode I talk about how to navigate that situation and how to work through the pain and find healing so that he ultimately can stop the behavior in a sustainable way.
For therapy with Sam:
Send an email here to get more information – sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
After there’s been betrayal due to a pornography addiction, it can be very difficult to feel secure and safe in the relationship. And a lot of women find themselves feeling stuck and can’t get out of the pain regardless of what her husband does.
In this episode, we discuss what a wife needs to do in order to find freedom and work through the betrayal, how a husband can help participate in the healing, and ultimately what needs to happen for trust to be rebuilt.
For therapy with Sam:
Send an email here to get more information – sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
When a Husband Gets Better and His Wife Gets Worst - Part 1 with Jolene Wynn
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
When people are trying to overcome the impact that pornography addiction has in their marriage, there are 3 separate (and overlapping) aspects to healing - his healing, hers, and the relationship.
Many times, a husband and wife might progress at different speeds along the path of healing, and there are lots of times when a husband gets better and a wife gets worst.
In this episode, I invited Jolene Wynn, a coach and a wife who personally went through this process with her husband, to share her experience and strategies to help couples navigate this delicate balance.
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Strategies for Healing When Even His Presence Triggers Her
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
When a woman feels betrayal after discovering her husband's pornography addiction, EVERYTHING can feel like a trigger, even him. He reminds her of his actions and the pain he's caused, yet he can also be a source of comfort at the same time.
The push/pull of wanting him close for comfort, but also feeling such intense anger and disgust at the same time can be overwhelming and confusing.
In this episode, I discuss tools to approach this situation and how a couple can move forward through those moments and ultimately make it so he doesn't trigger her anymore and for there to be a feeling of closure and resolution instead.
For therapy with Sam:
Send an email here to get more information – sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.
Friday Jul 22, 2022
When A Wife’s Best Efforts Aren’t Good Enough
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
So many women struggle feeling like what they are doing isn't enough..
If she was more sexual, thinner, didn't criticize, easy-going, etc., then he wouldn't act out.
In this episode, I share what can be doing to address this dynamic, and what needs to happen for there to be lasting changes to the addiction.
For therapy with Sam:
Send an email here to get more information – sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
When Pornography Addiction Escalates to Sex Addiction and How to Overcome It
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
When a man struggles with pornography addiction, sometimes the behaviors escalate into physical acting out. When a man struggles with sex addiction, there is a very specific reason why, and in this episode we talk about sex addiction, the root cause of it, and how to overcome it.
It's important to recognize that the core of the addiction ISN'T because of a lack of sex or affection from their partner, and in this episode we'll help you identify what it is so you properly address it and overcome it.
For therapy with Sam:
Send an email here to get more information – sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
How to Consistently Not Give In to Temptation for Pornography
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
If someone offered you a cigarette, but you are a nonsmoker, how do you feel and respond? It's easy, right? It's a quick, "no thank you, I don't smoke," and there's no pull, no effort, no resistance to the offer..
So how do we get the same kind of response when there's a trigger or temptation to look at pornography?
In this episode, I share how I helped a client through the process of him feeling that way, and you can use this same approach to help you break free from pornography addiction.
Monday May 23, 2022
The Key to Creating Security in Your Marriage After Pornography Addiction
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
After the impact of pornography addiction, he creates a lot of insecurity, lack of trust and hopelessness.
So many couples feel stuck because they don’t have a strong foundation or security in their relationship that helps them move forward and leaving the past behind.
Creating security and stability is one of the most important steps In the process of healing because if you don’t have a solid foundation, then every little disconnect is amplified because it stacks up on top of everything else that feels unresolved.
In this episode, I share with you the key to creating security and safety in your marriage so you can have a foundation that provides stability for you to navigate day to day much more successfully.
For therapy with Sam:
Send an email here to get more information – sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Fastest Method to Resolving Any Argument Before It Escalates
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
After pornography addiction has damaged a relationship, arguments and fights can escalate very quickly.
The reason is because there is so much intensity and hurt under the surface that it doesn’t take much to trigger everything.
When couples don’t know exactly how to resolve issues from the past so there is closure and the chance to move on, arguments happen more frequently.
In this episode I share the fastest way to slow down the storm of a fight, focus on the core reason why it’s happening and communicate with each other in way that creates resolution instead of sweeping things under the rug.
For therapy with Sam:
Send an email here to get more information – sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.
Friday Apr 22, 2022
The 90-Day Blueprint to Heal Your Marriage After Pornography Addiction
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Restoring the trust, connection, and love in your marriage is possible after pornography addiction has caused hurt and betrayal. Once couples know exactly what to do and what the steps are, they can start to find relief from the pain in a single conversation.
Those conversations need to be followed up with more action, consistency, and continued conversations for healing, but you can get the tools and direction you need in just 90 days and continue to implement them long after a course or program is finished.
In this episode, I break down the stepping stones in the healing process, to help you know what areas to focus on so you can find that relief and connection together.
For therapy with Sam:
Send an email here to get more information – sam@healingcouples.org
Want access to a free course I created for my podcast listeners?
Simply go to www.coupleshealing.org and in the course you'll learn some top strategies to find healing from addiction and trauma, rebuild trust, experience freedom, and begin to reconnect with each other in the relationship.